2.3 - Scribe

Role Overview:

  • Responsible for documenting the workshop proceedings in real-time.


  • Taking detailed notes on discussions, decisions, and action items.

  • Recording key insights, questions, and unresolved issues.

  • Assisting in organizing feedback and post-workshop summaries.

  • Ensuring accuracy and clarity in the documentation for future reference.

Main role:

  • The note taker for the workshop. The scribe will be mainly responsible for capturing the data, group discussions, and attendee surveys.

Secondary role:

  • Ensure the event and agenda is kept on time.


  • Lay out resources and pens for attendees to use

  • Take detailed notes of the discussions

  • Capture and record workshop outputs

  • Keep the meeting agenda on time, finishing promptly for happy hour/social time


Accuracy and Detail:

  • Gathering comprehensive data that accurately reflects the workshop discussions and outcomes.

Comprehensive Note-Taking:

  • Recording detailed notes on discussions, decisions, action items, and key insights.

Clarity and Organization:

  • Ensuring notes are clear, well-organized, and accessible for future reference.

Real-Time Documentation:

  • Keeping up with the pace of discussions to provide accurate and timely documentation.

Collaboration with Lead and Data Collector:

  • Working closely with other facilitators to ensure a holistic documentation of the workshop.

Last updated