Assessing Impact

Workshop Outputs & Participants

Summarize the workshop's tangible outcomes, such as decisions made or ideas generated, and assess participant engagement and the diversity of contributions. This quick overview helps identify immediate gains and active contributors.

Post Workshop Survey

Gather immediate feedback through a short survey to gauge participants' satisfaction, learning outcomes, and suggestions for improvement. This immediate reflection provides critical insights for refining future workshops.

Post Workshop Host Evaluation

The facilitation team should review the workshop's execution, focusing on the effectiveness of facilitation, content relevance, and logistical arrangements. This internal assessment helps identify strengths and areas for enhancement.

Long-term Impact

A comprehensive analysis of all outputs from Catalyst Working Groups will be undertaken by the project team to gauge their impact on the Catalyst ecosystem. This in-depth review aims to identify successful initiatives, areas for improvement, and emerging trends that can inform strategic decisions.

The insights from our analysis will play a crucial role in shaping future changes to the three core CWG areas: Catalyst Strategic Funding Priorities, Catalyst Operating Parameters, and Catalyst-Funded Project Incubation and Acceleration.

By evaluating the outcomes and lessons learned from the CWGs, we can refine our approach to funding, operations, and support for funded projects, ensuring that the Catalyst ecosystem remains responsive to community needs and strategic innovation.

Last updated