Catalyst-Funded Project Incubation and Acceleration CWG:


  1. Explore ways to help high-potential projects reach a global network web3 incubator and accelerator resources.

  2. Develop ways to help the Cardano community define strategies that motivate professional angels, partners, and other investors to explore Catalyst.

Key questions for the Incubation and Acceleration working group to consider include:

  • What industry partners are interested in blockchain innovation in your region?

  • Where are the main investment hubs you know of in your region

    • Accelerators, incubators, entrepreneurship programmes?

    • What prevents these investors from getting involved in Cardano?

    • How can the Catalyst community engage them?

  • Who is hosting startup technology events in your region, for blockchain, for other tech?

  • What do Catalyst funded projects need most after they have been funded?

  • What pain points does Catalyst address for entrepreneurs in your region/locality?

  • Who can you put in touch with Catalyst to help support follow-on-funding objectives?

Last updated