Catalyst Operating Parameters CWG:


  1. Evaluate adjustments needed for Catalyst features and operating parameters to improve its impact.

  2. Consider how future funds could experiment with changes to Catalyst operating parameters without compromising performance and impact.

Key questions for the Catalyst Operating Parameters working group to consider include:

  • Which parameters are able to be adjusted and why?

    • IOG Catalyst team will provide some help to answer this.

  • What do other ecosystems do that provide insights which inform experimenting and adjusting Catalyst Operating Parameters?

  • Are community contributions such as Community review, milestone proof of achievement working?

    • How would you like to see it improved in the future?

  • What, if any, new contributor roles should be part of Catalyst, but currently aren’t.

    • Why are they important?

    • How should they be incentivized?

    • Existing roles include voters, proposers, reviewers

  • What features would improve Catalyst that aren’t already available?

Last updated