
Definition and Purpose:

Catalyst Working Groups (CWG’s) are collaborative workshops taking place across the globe within the Cardano community. Focused on specific aspects of ecosystem development.

In 2024 CWGs will be looking at Catalyst Strategic Funding Priorities, Catalyst Operating Parameters, and Catalyst-Funded Project Incubation and Acceleration.

Empowerment and Inclusion:

To empower community members to actively participate in the evolution of Catalyst and Cardano’s startup society. Ensuring they feel valued and heard thus fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards Catalyst’s innovation community.

Collaboration and Analysis:

Facilitate ideation and collaboration, addressing important questions surrounding the Catalyst innovation ecosystem. The workshops will generate actionable approaches to shape future funding rounds that align with the Cardano community’s priorities.

Community Consensus and Outputs

A key objective is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among participants, enhancing their understanding of blockchain technology, incubation and acceleration models, and the specific investment needs of the Cardano innovation community.

These could form into proposals for new initiatives, strategies for enhancing existing projects, or the development of tools, products, and resources that can benefit the broader ecosystem.

Strengthening the Catalyst and Cardano Community:

Networking, participating, and collaborating, the community bonds become a stronger, more cohesive network committed to the success and sustainability of the Cardano startup society and Catalyst innovation network.

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