Online Agenda
Mini Agenda
Resource allocation/set-up:
30 minutes before the workshop starts
[Work Shop]
Welcome - Time: 5 min
Ground rules & Expectations - Time: 5 min
Workshop Overview - Time: 10 min
Intro to Catalyst: 10 min
Networking/Break - Time: 10 min
Task Explanation - Time: 5 min
Mini Working Groups Session #1 - Time: 1 hour
25 min Task #1
5 min Overview Task #2
25 min Task #2
5 min Wrap-Up
Break-Energizer and Group Spirit - Time: 10 mins
Mini Working Groups Session #2 - Time: 40 min 1 hour
25 min Task #1
5 min Overview Task #2
25 min Task #2
5 min Wrap-Up
Community Group Sharing - Time: 30 min
Closing Thoughts - Time: 20 min
Feedback - Time: 10min
Total Length: 3 hours 55 minutes
Full Agenda
[Pre-Work Shop]
1. Set-up/Resource Allocation - Time: 30 min
2. Welcoming Snacks and introductions - Time: 30 min
Each member will add their pin to the map from where they are from (can be their citizenship, where they live, where they were born)
Allow community members to talk amongst themselves, and do informal introductions while people arrive for the event.
[Work Shop]
1. Welcome - Time: 5 min
Hosts and Workshop team share and introductions of the workshop and agenda items.
Each member will add the location they are from
Host explains why we are doing these workshops
2. Ground rules & Expectations - Time: 5 min
Overview of the expected outputs and some ground rules to set the stage for an open and inclusive environment
Overview of the expectations
Ground rules - dos and don'ts
Open space
3. Workshop Overview - Time: 10 min
Host breaks down why we are doing these workshops and the importance of collaboration.
Breakdown the agenda
Why collaboration is important
4. Intro to Catalyst: 10 min
Introduction to Catalyst to help newcomers get more involved and take the next steps in our community.
Catalyst Explained
Onboarding info
5. Networking/Break - Time: 20 min
Allow community members the chance to meet new people they haven't spoken to before. Each person has 10 minutes to meet three new people, and has to remember 1 thing about each of them!
Meet three people you don't know
If people didn't at the beginning of the workshop, have everyone pin their origin/citizenship on the map (the map provided in the media assets)
6. Task Explanation - Time: 10 min
Go over the tasks for each Mini-Working Group. Talk about expectations, goals, and expected outcomes.
What: Info on slides
Why: Info on slides
Goals: Info on slides
Host explains the session
Break teams up into 5 people
Have each team select a lead
Share Miro and explain how it works
Provide each group lead with task overview sheet
Provide a breakout room for each Mini-Working Group
7. Mini Working Groups - Time: 1 hour
Use the Mini-Working Groups Guide:
Each mini-group will choose a lead person who will help with the success of each group and be the spokesperson as well.
25 min Task #1
Allow each member 5-10 minutes to review the data connected to each funding category. Small conversions can start about this information.
Allow each member 15-20 minutes to think about the individual question on their own.
5 min Overview Task #2
Lead of the group will help with a discussion about the answers to each question. Each member will explain the reasoning for the answers and have the chance to bring these ideas to the entire Mini Working Group.
25 min Task #2
Between the Mini Working Group discuss suggestions for each question and add them to the miro board.
Discussion Question #1: Why did you add this answer?
Discussion Question #2: What is the value that can be achieved?
5 min Wrap-up
8. Break Energizer and Group Spirit - Time: 10 mins
9. Mini Working Groups Session #2 - Time: 1 hour
During this session, the Host will gather information from each Mini-Working Group. This will allow the host to prepare for the community-sharing rounds and and the deep discussions of output from each Mini Working group.
The Scribe will write down each suggestion and put into the voting app.
This will allow each member to vote on the key ideas in the next step of the agenda.
25 min Task #1
Allow each mini-group member 5-10 minutes to review all the questions and answers while the lead adds them to the Mentimeter.
Conduct a vote amongst the members in your Mini-Working Group of each question for 15-20 minutes.
5 min Overview Task #2
Review each question's top 3 answers as a group. The Lead will write down in the Miro the top answers for each question.
25 min Task #2
Add the description and reasoning for the answers to each question. This will help prepare the group to speak out about their findings to when the entire workshop comes together in the Community sharing rounds
5 min Wrap-Up
Finalizes preparation for the community sharing rounds.
10. Community Group Sharing - Time: 30 min
Allow the Mini-Wokring Groups to bring their suggestions to the whole group and explain their reasoning.
Hosts will explain the session 5 minutes
Review all Mini-Working Group Outputs
Each main Mini-Working Group Lead will summarize and talk about the main suggestions for each question. One question at a time and each group at a time. They will say the suggestion and give an explanation of why they chose this.
5 minutes for the host to review and att to Mentimeter all the ideas brought to the stage
11. Closing Thoughts - Time: 20 min
Host will bring together some closing thoughts. Everyone will vote for the most important ideas that came out of each question.
All participants vote on the top 3 insights from each question in the Menimiter App
Community final thoughts from each group
12. Feedback - Time: 10min
Allow time for all participants to take the CWG Participation Survey. This also is a time when each participant can receive their Proof Of Attendance (POA) NFT after completing the survey.
Have each participant fill out the survey
Last updated